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About Us

SOLWODI is committed to the rights of women with a migration or refugee background in Germany who have experienced hardship and violence:


  • Victims of human trafficking

  • Victims of sexual exploitation and prostitution

  • Persons affected by or threatened forced marriage

  • Victims of violence in close relationships

  • Victims of other forms of violence

The affected women are accompanied by experienced social workers. We offer psychosocial support, organise medical or legal support, help with finding accommodation and work, or arrange German courses and vocational training measures. The care is always geared to the specific needs and individual situation of the respective client and her children.

SOLWODI stands for SOLidarity with WOmen in DIstress (Solidarity with Women in Need). The association is recognized as a non-profit organization in Germany and works independently and non-denominationally. Nationwide, SOLWODI is represented at 18 locations with 21 specialist counselling centres and 14 protection and housing projects for women and children in need.

Here you can find out more about the work of our specialist counselling centres.



Sr Lea - bunter Schal - gedreht - breit

The origin of SOLWODI in Kenya

Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann worked as a teacher in Mombasa in the early 80s and got into conversation with Kenyan women who had to work in prostitution out of necessity. This terrible situation prompted her to set up the SOLWODI association in Kenya in 1985, which still offers exit assistance and advice today. In addition, SOLWODI supports women and girls in Kenya with educational projects and vocational training measures.

Click here for the Africa projects.



The origin of SOLWODI in Germany

After her return to Germany, Lea Ackermann noticed the problems of foreign women. In 1987, she founded the non-profit association SOLWODI in Germany. In addition to the umbrella organization SOLWODI Deutschland e.V., there are now SOLWODI state associations in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate,
Bavaria and Berlin.

Since July 1, 2020, SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. has been led by a three-member board of directors – currently: Dr. Maria Decker, Barbara Wellner and Sr. Paula Fiebag. Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann continued to accompany and support the work of SOLWODI and was mainly active in public relations. Due to her unexpected death on October 31, 2023, she leaves a big gap. SOLWODI will continue the work in its spirit.

=> Here you can support SOLWODI.

In our current video you can learn more about us and our work.



Here you can find out about current activities of SOLWODI.

For further information, please contact our head office in Koblenz, Tel. (0261) 889
772-0, or our specialist counselling centres.

We thank you for every support of our work.

Dr. Maria Decker
Chairwoman of SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.

=> Our weekly newsletter is stored here.




30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

23. 10. 2024 - Uhr – Uhr


05. 11. 2024 - Uhr