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Monetary donations

Monetary donations

Donate directly!


Since many years, SOLWODI supports foreign women, who have experienced suffering and violence.


Human trafficing and sexual exploitation, prostitution, impending forced marriage and other forms of violence leave behind deep traces – it is therefore all the more important to support these women individually and to meet their and their children's particular needs.


This work is provided in 19 SOLWODI advisory centers in Germany, mainly facilitated by your donations.


Besides that, SOLWODI also supports young women and children in Kenya with education-projects and vocational qualifying measures.


Wether you want to donate only one time or regularly – your assistance counts and is used effectively whereever the need is greatest.


You can use the below indicated bank account of SOLWODI at „Landesbank SAAR“ or you can use any other SOLWODI donation account.



IBAN: DE 84 5905 0000 0020 0099 99


To illustrate, how and to what extend donations are deployed at SOLWODI, let us give a few examples:


25 Euros for a consultation with one of our social workers, where the situation of the client, her wishes and needs as well as next steps are discussed.


75 Euros per day for accomodation and care for one woman with her children in one of our shelters.


100 Euros for the preparation and accompaniment of a client to a medical appointment or a court- or public authority hearing.


300 Euros for one year of primary schooling for a child in Africa.



SOLWODI Germany e.V. is, according to the current notice of exemption of the tax office (Koblenz of 25.04.2019, tax-number: 22/654/44859) exempt from corportation ad trade tax.

If you want us to issue a tax-deductable donation-confirmation, we need your exact adress. Donation receipts are issued for donations of 50 Euros or more.



Your contact person at SOLWODI:


Silke Albrecht (donation counsellor)
SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
Viktoriastraße 32-36
56068 Koblenz

Tel. 0049-261-889 772-0



If you wish to support a specific project, please talk to us.



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

23. 10. 2024 - Uhr – Uhr


05. 11. 2024 - Uhr