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Inheritances and legacies


Do you wish to act beyond the end of your life and leave behind a lasting legacy? You have already made sure, that your family and your beloved ones are well taken care of and it is furthermore important to you, that women and children, who have experienced suffering and violence, receive help and support?


Then you can include SOLWODI in your testament as a beneficiary of your legal estate. 


Work for the future and enable women and children to live a life in dignity and without violence. With your testament-donation of a you contribute to SOLWODI‘s work with victims of human trafficing, exploitation or other forms of violence and support councelling and sheltering for women and children in safe houses as well as schooling and education.


You can also specify, if you want to support SOLWODI’s work in general or specifically in Germany or Kenya. We are gladly at your disposal for further discussion.


Unfortunately, German inheritance law is quite complicated. It is therefore recommended to discuss relevant regulations in your testament with your trusted legal advisor. Thus, it is ensured, that everything is expressed in a legally correct way and implemented as you have envisaged.


SOLWODI is free of inheritance tax. Therefore, your donation will completely benefit without deductions the affected women and children.


Your last will means more than just financial support; for women and their children, it is an chance for a better life!


Your contact person of SOLWODI is:


Dr. Maria Decker (executive board)


SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
Viktoriastr. 32-36
56068 Koblenz

Tel. 0049-261 -889 772-0



Thank you very much for your support!



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

23. 10. 2024 - Uhr – Uhr


05. 11. 2024 - Uhr