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SOLWODI North Rhine-Westphalia - Counseling Center Duisburg



Postfach 101150

47011 Duisburg

Tel.: 0203-663150

Fax: 0203-663151


SOLWODI NRW e.V. in Duisburg is a specialized counseling center for migrant women with various problem situations.

The main problem situations include being affected by human trafficking as well as forced prostitution, by sexual violence on the run, being affected by violence and abuse in relationships and marriage, marriage migration, forced marriage and threatened forced marriage, illegality and the need for safe accommodation.


We provide counseling, accompaniment and support as needed.

Focus of Work:

  • Counseling
  • Victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation
  • Victims of forced prostitution and (sexual) violence
  • (Threatened) forced marriage
  • Violence in partnership or marriage
  • Support of minors with the above-mentioned problems



  • One-time counseling
  • Support
  • Accompaniment as well as referral to other authorities, institutions and agencies
  • Up to several years of support and accompaniment, depending on the situation of the respective client
  • Telephone as well as personal counseling




30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

19. 09. 2024 - Uhr


20. 09. 2024