SOLGIDI - Solidarity with Girls in Distress

Ever since SOLGIDI was founded, Director Agnes Mailu and her co-worker Everlyne Akinyi were able to support many girls in such a way that school education helped them to start a better life.
SOLGIDI was able to recruit eight needy girls in 2019 and encourage them to join the the support programme. 27 girls attended secondary school, seven primary school and 23 young women were supported in attending college/university. In addition to the reimbursement of school and travel expenses, the girls were also provided with school uniforms and materials.
Five young women passed their exams at the university and two successfully completed college. In order to ensure this success, the girls must be supervised continuously. This includes a good relationship and constant exchange with the teachers of the schools and universities. In 2019, SOLGIDI visited 21 schools and participated in graduation ceremonies of the schoolgirls and students. Of the four women who completed their teacher training, two have already been offered permanent employment.
One of the most important measures taken by our social workers on site is the psychosocial support and continuous personal care of the girls, and in most cases this also includes their mothers. The girls come from the poorest areas of Mombasa. Often the slums where they live are an hour's drive away from school. The children have already seen abuse and violence as infants, many have experienced it themselves. To help the girls come to terms with their painful experiences, the social workers offer a variety of support: individual counselling, teaching life skills (small groups), home visits to the families and group therapy sessions.
In 2019, the following was achieved: 964 people received psychosocial support (including 348 children) and ten home visits were carried out. Two life skills training courses were offered for a total of 38 participants. In addition, two large-scale events were held for mothers' self-help groups to discuss career options with the participants. 18 families received a medical allowance and had to be provided with food as they were completely without means. A total of ten events were offered for the parents of the girls and women involved in the project, primarily for information and prevention work. In addition, the parents, mostly single mothers, were trained in educational issues. An average of 14 participants took part.
Networking and cooperation to strengthen women's and children's rights
SOLGIDI highly appreciates all measures taken for networking and cooperation with institutions and organisations as personal contact can simplify workflows. Connecting with like-minded organisations also helps to optimise the use of resources and exchange important information.
In 2019, SOLGIDI was involved in various network meetings and events, such as "2nd Santa Marta Conference on Human trafficking" in Nairobi, "International Women's Day", "Day of the African Child" and the "International Day against Human Trafficking."

Actions for raising awareness and forging of strategic partnerships to reduce child abuse in the communities of Kongowea
SOLGIDI enjoys a good relationship with the Department of children services and is therefore consulted and contacted in matters affecting the welfare of children. SOLGIDI was able to involve the communities in Kongowea* in discussions on child protection and to contribute to the development of a training handbook (for the training of 40 community heads as mentors in the field of child protection).
As a result of continuous training in life skills and of psychosocial support, the SOLGIDI programme has strengthened the girls and women who have participated.
Hope and self-esteem of the participants was strengthened and the clients‘ weariness of life was reduced. Ten girls were selected as community multipliers. SOLGIDI also established several alliances with children's networks in Mombasa.
In 2019 SOLGIDI received financial support from the city of Aalen, through the TOWAE foundation and donations from SOLWODI Germany.
* Kongowea is an administrative district of Mombasa county