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COGICHIS - Concerns for the Girl Child in Society

In 2019, the COGICHIS organization was able to successfully implement two major projects, which were generously financed by the "Good Water" Foundation.


The first project focused on emergency measures for the construction of toilets at three schools: St. James Koteko Primary School, St. Mary's Osajai Primary School and Munyanja Primary School.

These three schools had to close in 2019 because they did not have enough toilets per student. Emergency relief began in the spring of 2019 and started with all WASH[1] committee members meeting at the respective schools and being informed about the upcoming construction work. The members of the WASH committees were so grateful for the financial support that they mobilized the community members and parents of the school children to actively participate in the project.


Works to build toilets for the 3 schools started in 2019.


At Munyanja Primary School, the active involvement of the community members and parents of the school children made it possible to dig the pits themselves. In addition to the four toilets, financed by the "Good Water" Foundation, an additional toilet for boys was made possible. Since Munyanja Primary School also runs a class for children with physical restrictions, an additional disability-friendly toilet was built.


At St. Mary's Osajai Primary School two toilets and a urinal for girls were built, at St. James Koteko Primary School three toilets and a urinal for girls. Again, the WASH committee and the parents were so highly motivated that their efforts made the construction of another boys' toilet possible. COGICHIS appreciates the strong commitment of the local people to their schools.



The second project, which COGICHIS carried out in 2019, was titled "Support for young women and girls, victims of sexual exploitation/trafficking in Western Kenya". Within twelve months, mentor coaching and training on topics such as human trafficking and poverty prostitution were organized at three elementary school in the Teso-North region.


The project started with the appointment of female mentors. At each school five women were selected by the headmasters and presented to COGICHIS. Afterwards 15 women were informed about the goals, background and tasks of the project. They were all informed that it was a purely voluntary activity, but that it would be helpful for many students. All 15 women remained together and took their task very seriously, because they are all mothers themselves and see the problems of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in their daily lives.



[1] WASH= water, sanitation, hygiene



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

23. 10. 2024 - Uhr – Uhr


05. 11. 2024 - Uhr