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ASSIST - Gender Specific Legal Assistance and Integration Support for Third County National Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

From January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is project partner in the EU project ASSIST - Gender-specific legal support and integration support for third-country national victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Project coordinator is the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI), which has many years of expertise in combating human trafficking and is committed to the implementation and continuation of the Nordic Model in Ireland.


The project focuses on the integration of third-country nationals that are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. The project takes into account the gender dimension of European trafficking in human beings as well as the gender-specific violence and trauma to be considered in the context of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The project aims to provide legal advice to victims of trafficking and to facilitate their integration in the host country.


EU law acknowledges the importance of gender-specific support. Such support is particularly important in the context of sexual exploitation. A gender-specific support approach recognises that victims of such forms of violence are often traumatised and often do not have the necessary life skills, training or experience, which are important for rapid integration into the labour market.


SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is looking forward to working with the European partners from ICI (Ireland), JustRight (Scotland), BeFree (Italy), SURT (Spain) and the European Network of Migrant Women (Belgium) in this 2-year project.




You are also welcome to read the press article by Nusha Yonkova (ICI) and Anja Wells (SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.) about the importance of the Nordic Model. The original text of the project launch is to be found on the ICI Webseite.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact our SOLWODI staff member responsible for the project, Anja Wells:



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German best practice discussion paper


Summary of Best Practice Principles EN


Live-Recording of the final event (SOLWODI's part can be found in Webinar Part II from Minute 40)




This project is co-financed by the EU AMIF Programme (Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund) (2014-2020). SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is solely responsible for the contents and can in no way be regarded as a view of the European Union.



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

28. 01. 2025


20. 09. 2025