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Parenting organization: SOLWODI Bayern e.V.



Obermünsterstraße 10

93047 Regensburg



Availability: Mo - Fr 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Focus of Work:

  • Victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation/ labor exploitation
  • Violence in the name of honor (genital mutilation, forced marriages, honor killings, control by family/relatives, etc.)

  • Marriage migration


Our Offer of Support:

Support is provided in person by telephone or online (also anonymously)

  • Information on the above-mentioned problems and potential legal implications
  • Assistance in decision-making and longer-term support for a (violence-)free, self-determined life
  • Preparation for BANF and court hearings

  • Mediation of safe accommodation 
  • Communication with authorities and public services (Aliens Office, Job Center, Police, Youth Welfare Office, BANF, Court...)
  • Arrangement of German language and integration courses
  • Support in finding medical and psychotherapeutic treatment

  • Mediation of lawyers (aliens law, criminal law, divorce, alimony, custody, etc.)
  • Counseling and long-term support for (victim) witnesses in human trafficking proceedings, procurement of a specialist lawyer to represent the plaintiff in the civil action

  • Women's cafés on various topics (information about rights, gender-specific violence, integration in Germany, etc.)

  • Outreach work in the asylum shelters (presentation of our offer, exchange, information about rights and duties and about gender-specific violence, education and arranging appointments)



Public relations:

  • Lectures, interviews, information booths, actions

  • Participation in expert groups, working groups, exchange meetings, etc.



Participation in EU - projects:


SISA: SOLWODI Regensburg participates in the project part of the transnational return counseling for West African victims of human trafficking and their children. The goal is to establish a transnational counseling network for women returning to Italy according to the Dublin III regulation and to create a handout for expert counselors in Germany in order to provide close support through NGOs to this particularly vulnerable group.


SARAH: SOLWODI Regensburg participates in the project part of sensitizing refugee/migrant women for gender-specific violence and victims' rights. The work is about raising awareness among policy makers about gender-based violence in the context of migration and the challenges victims face in accessing services.


ACTIVATE: Through this project, refugee shelter staff and lawyers will be trained on the issue of trafficking of third country nationals; especially women for sexual exploitation.

- Cooperation with other (women's) counseling centers, equal opportunity officers, associations and institutions in Germany and abroad

- Participation / collaboration in expert discussions and round tables in the Ostalbkreis district

- Project sponsor "Engagiert in BW II" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Integration in Baden-Württemberg

- Solwodi BW e.V. is responsible for the office of the Ostalb-Bündnis gegen Menschenhandel und (Zwangs-)Prostitution (Alliance against Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution).


  • Cooperation with other counseling centers, social services, youth welfare offices, police, women's shelters, BAMF, lawyers, equal opportunity officers, special representatives of the BAMF, women's shelters, etc.


Donation account:

Liga Bank EG

SORT CODE 750 903 00

Account 010 43 278 88

IBAN: DE11 7509 0300 0104 3278 88




30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

19. 09. 2024 - Uhr


20. 09. 2024