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For companies

You, as a company, want to show social responsibility?


Do you want to make a longer-term and sustainable committment?

Do you want to help directly and unburocratically?


Show your engagement to your clients and employees!


We would be very pleased to visit you to present our work and fathom individual and concrete ways of cooperation.


Maybe you also wish to promote one of the social workers in your town. A full-time position equals about 50.000 Euros. Of course, donations of proportional amounts are possible as well.


You can also support a shelter in Germany, where women, who had become vicitims of violence find secure accomodation. The cost for accomodation and support of one woman and her chilldren amounts to about 500 Euros per week.


Maybe you also would like to enable children in Kenya to attend a day-care center. Here, we annually need approximately 300 Euro per child.


Within the scope of a Christmas- or jubilee celebrations, project fundings, tailored to the needs of your company are possible as well. Instead of giving expensive gifts to your business associates, you could also create a new life perspective for women and children.


There are so many possibilities to engage effectively and sustainably for women and children. Talk to us!


We'll gladly call attention to your engangement in our round letters and in our social media channels.


Donations to SOLWODI are tax-refundable!



Your contact person of SOLWODI is:


Dr. Maria Decker (executive board)

SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
Viktoriastr. 32-36
56068 Koblenz

Tel. 0049-261 - 889 772-0




Thank you very much for your support!



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl
