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Bad Kissingen

Parent Association:  SOLWODI Bayern e.V.



Seehof 1

97688 Bad Kissingen




Mo – Fr  10am – 5pm, the answering machine is also checked on weekends for urgent cases.


Focus of Work:

  • Victims of human trafficking - forced prostitution, labor exploitation, begging
  • Women threatened or affected by forced marriage
  • Female refugees with the above-mentioned problems or in the context of "honor and violence"
  • Foreign women with experience of violence, victims of exploitation and abuse, also in the domestic sphere or with a German spouse, especially if there is no entitlement to an independent residence permit (3 years of marriage).
  • Women / girls threatened or affected by genital mutilation
  • Women with other problems related to immigration, social law and benefits or personal problems.



Our Offer of Support:

In-person, telephone or online counseling (also anonymously)

  • Information on the above-mentioned problems and potential legal implications
  • Assistance in decision-making and long-term support for a (violence-)free, self-determined life
  • Secure accommodation and psychosocial care in the women's shelter
  • Accompanying and assistance in dealing with authorities and public services (e.g. immigration office, Job Center, police, youth welfare office, BAMF, court...)
  • Arrangement of German language and integration courses
  • Advice and support in the search for job qualification programs and work
  • Practical help and support with integration in Germany
  • Mediation of medical and psychotherapeutic treatment
  • Assistance in finding housing, including relocation, furniture procurement, clarification of financing and so on
  • Mediation of lawyers (aliens law, criminal law, divorce, alimony, custody…)
  • Counseling and long-term support for (victim) witnesses in human trafficking proceedings, referral to a specialist lawyer for incidental action representation
  • Preparation and support for a possible return to the home country (e.g. starting a business)



Public Relations:

  • Lectures, interviews, articles on the problems of foreign women in Germany who are affected by human trafficking, forced marriage or other situations of violence
  • Cooperation with the “action against trafficking of women” in Bavaria (
  • Participation in expert discussions and conferences on our main areas of work, both regionally and nationally




  • Cooperation with other (women's) counseling centers, equal opportunity officers, associations and institutions in Germany and abroad.
  • Participation / collaboration in expert discussions and round tables at the Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Integration.
  • Cooperation in training events of BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) for the identification of victims of human trafficking in the asylum system and training of new special representatives for this area



Women report...


1) How did SOLWODI Bad Kissingen help you?

2. Why is it important that SOLWODI exists?



S., Pakistan, 26 y., 1 child


  1. Solwodi has helped me a lot. Without Solwodi I would not be here today and I had to live unhappily with my ex-husband until the end of my life, because I did not love him at all and  was forced to marry him. The staff at SOLWODI have accompanied me every step of the way, and I am very grateful for that.
  2. It is very important that SOLWODI exists. It offers protection and help for women who experience violence and also for children who have experienced violence in the household. In the women's shelter house, women can get help. They can get advice and information. What's more, any woman who is in need can come to the women's shelter. No matter where they are from. No matter what language, what religion they have.



S., Turkey, 24 y.


  1. SOLWODI saved me from a forced marriage and protects me from my father.
  2. Without SOLWODI, many women would be pressured and exploited against their will.



M., Chechnya, 38 y., 1 child


  1. SOLWODI has given me and my daughter a great hope for a better future. SOLWODI takes care and protects me and my daughter. SOLWODI helped me to learn German and I was able to pass the B1 exam. SOLWODI supported me in finding a kindergarten place. SOLWODI found a therapist for me, which is very important for me.
  2. SOLWODI can help women to get hope and to find a solution out of a problem. SOLWODI helps women to fill out important papers. So that women are no longer treated unfairly.  I want to say "Thank you" to SOLWODI for their great patience, understanding and help.


P., Nigeria, 31 y.



1. SOLWODI has helped me in many ways - here are the following:

Before my contact with SOLWODI, I was confused about my situation, I was sad, hopeless and scared big time.

But since I contacted SOLWODI about my situation, my life has changed:

1. they protect me in my situation.

2. they take care of me.

3. they make me happy.

4. they make me strong.

5. they make me not to lose hope.

6. they give me a reason to live.

7. they help me to stay in Germany.

I am not writing what I hear, but what I have experienced myself and can testify.

They are so important for me and many people because they help - and they are number one, that make me be alive.

"Thank you so much" to SOLWODI. I can't forget everything they do for me. Thank you again!


D., Kosovo, 27 y.


  1. I have learned a lot of things from SOLWODI that I didn't know, that I was also afraid of: driving on a bus alone, using an ATM, studying for the naturalization test and also passing the test, being with other women and being able to do things together, without male company, having fun... Now I live in my own apartment and have a job that is exhausting but also fun. I earn my own money and can decide for myself what to do with it... I have found my life and know that I will be helped when I need it. I was always afraid - since it was explained to me how and what to do, I don't need to be afraid anymore.
  2. It is good that SOLWODI cares for women. They help not only me, but all women who don't have all the papers, who need help. I think it's good that women protect women! Can trust that someone is there to help us.



The counseling center is supported by the ‚Deutsche Fernsehlotterie‘.



Donation Account:       

SOLWODI Bayern e.V., Bad Kissingen

VR-Bank Bad Kissingen-Bad Brückenau

IBAN: DE73 7906 5028 0005 7260 50








30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 09. 2024


05. 10. 2024